...because A: There are already a squillion excellent music blogs. And B: Because this site is about me. Not music. Me. That said, I like music. A lot. Due to this, and because talking about myself allthetime is boring, I'm going to post most excellent playlists weekly (or not) for you to download, listen to and fall in love with. Then you're gonna go out and buy that music, and go to the gigs and everyone will be rich, prosperous and happy. At the gig or in that shop you'll meet the loves of your lives ('cause right now you're sad and alone and reading my glob), have babies that change the world and there will be world peace. All because of these most excellent playlists. It's true.
To begin our journey to Eutopia, I'm going to start at the bottom, by which I don't mean stink, I mean sad. Got the blues? Just been dumped by some douschebag who wants to sleep with ugly people? Listen to this, have a big girlie cry and get the F*&! over it, they weren't worthy.
Download: 'Cry Me A River'.
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